Video de Love Like Winter (AFI)

Love Like Winter es la sexta canción que salió en el Album Decemberunderground de AFI que salió en el año 2006, su director, Marc Webb, también produjo otros videos de grupos como My Chemical Romance y Evanescence. También se estrenó en el TRL de MTV.

Video de Love Like Winter de AFI:

Letra de la canción Love Like Winter de AFI:

Warn you once to turn away
Here it’s December, everyday
Press your lips to the sculptures
And surely you’ll stay (Love like winter…)
Fire, sugar, and ice…I am made, I am made

It’s in the blood, it’s in the blood
I met my love, before I was born
He wanted love, I taste the blood
He bit my lip, and drank my warmth
From years before, from years before

She attails the mirror lace,
I barely dreamt her, yesterday (yesterday…)
With the lines in the mirror, through the lipstick trace
She said, “It seems you’re somewhere, far away…
To his place”

It’s in the blood, it’s in the blood
I met my love, before I was born
She wanted love, I taste the blood
She bit my lip, and drank my warmth
From years before, from years before

Love like winter… Oh… Oh…
Love like winter… Winter… 3…4…

It’s in the blood, it’s in the blood
I met my love, before I was born
He wanted love, I taste the blood
He bit my lip, and drank my warmth
From years before, from years before

Enviado por javier el 19 de May de 2008 con 1 comentario.
Mira todos los videos de musica de AFI hola Video de Love Like Winter (AFI)

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#1, fernando
29 de November de 2009, a las 16:18.

Muy buenos videos de AFI ponga su ultimo ‘medicate’ y los videos que falta por poner de AFI :D

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