Video de Away (Enrique Iglesias)

Ver video de Enrique Iglesias Away:

Letra de canción Away:

Away aways, oh yeah away away

This feels like the coldest day
in a hurricane looking through
a glass window
And ya screaming to the top of yours
lungs, and the bells done rung
And the crowd can’t hear you
And all that I can see is a building burning
I just gotta rescue my baby
But you don’t even recognize me

And even though the feeling’s been
gone I just wanna be here
To pick up the little pieces of remains
I’m going down the plane is smoking
And the only one who can save me is
you but you wanna throw me


Away, away, away, away, oh why
[Más Letras en]
I wanna know
I wanna know why you wanna throw me
Away, away, away, away, oh why
I wanna know
I wanna know why you wanna throw me away

You used to ask why I was I so skeptic, of love
Girls cuz it changes, and it ain’t
got to be no real reason
You start to live the dream and before you know
There’s a door that opens, and the
moment you walk in it closes

Maybe it’s somebody else or a
situation that you can’t help
Oh love, oh love, oh love, oh love
Just ain’t what it used to be
I confronted my fears with open arms
Although you said you will never give
up on us but now you blow me


Perfect we said we’d never be
So why is this happening to me
No way no way (no way)

Enviado por Flo el 27 de January de 2010 con 0 comentarios.
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