Video de Girl's not Grey (AFI)

Es la sexta canción que incluye el album Sing the Sorrow de la banda AFI y fue el primer sencillo para este album. Ganó el premio al Mejor Video de MTV2 en el año 2003. Genero: Rock alternativo.

Video de Girl’s not Grey de AFI:

Letra de la canción Girl’s not Grey de AFI:

I’ll lay me down tonight
Much further down
Swim in the calm tonight
This art does drown

(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light
(Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued?
What follows has lead me to this place
where I belong, with all erased

All insects sing tonight
The coldest sound
I’d send God’s grace tonight
Could it be found?

(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light
(Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued?
What follows has lead me to this place
where I belong, with all erased

I’ll lay me down tonight
Much further down
Watch stars go out tonight
On sinking ground

I’ll lay me down, I’ll lay me down

(What follows) me as the whitest lace of light
(Will swallow whole) just begs to be imbrued?
What follows has lead me to this place
where I belong, with all erased

What follows will swallow whole
What follows will swallow whole

Enviado por javier el 19 de May de 2008 con 0 comentarios.
Mira todos los videos de musica de Uncategorized hola Video de Girl's not Grey (AFI)

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