Video de Love Profusion (Madonna)

Love Profusion es el quinto sencillo del álbum American Life de la cantante pop estadounidense Madonna lanzado el 8 de diciembre del 2003 en Europa y Australia y el 16 de marzo de 2004 en Estados Unidos. La canción fue escrita y producida por Madonna y Mirwais Ahmadzaï.

Alcanzó el puesto #3 en Canadá, pero se convirtió en el tercer sencillo consecutivo de Madonna que no logra entrar en la lista Billboard Hot 100.

Video de Love Profusion de Madonna:

Letra de la canción Love Profusion de Madonna:

There are too many questions
There is not one solution
There is no resurrection
There is so much confusion

And the love profusion
You make me feel
You make me know
And the love vibration
You make me feel
You make it shine

There are too many options
There is no consolation
I have lost my illusions
What I want is an explanation

And the love profusion
You make me feel
You make me know
And the love direction
You make me feel
You make me shine
You make me feel
You make me shine
You make me feel

I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin

There is no comprehension
There is real isolation
There is so much destruction
What I want is a celebration

And I know I can feel bad
When I get in a bad mood
And the world can look so sad
Only you make me feel good

I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin

I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin

And the love profusion
You make me feel
You make me know
And the love intention
You make me feel
You make me shine
You make me feel
You make me shine
You make me feel

I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin

And I know I can feel bad
When I get in a bad mood
And the world can look so sad
Only you make me feel good

Enviado por javier el 30 de June de 2008 con 0 comentarios.
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