Video de If I Catch You (Michel Teló)

Ver el nuevo video musical de If I Catch You de Michel Teló:

Letra de de If I Catch You:
Wow, wow, this way you gonna kill me
Oh, if I catch you
Oh, my God if I catch you
Delicious, delicious
This way you gonna kill me
Oh, if I catch you
Oh, my God if I catch you
Saturday at the party
Everybody started to dance
Then the prettiest girl past in front of me
I get closer and started to say:
Wow, wow, this way you gonna kill me
Oh, if I catch you
Oh, my God if I catch you
Delicious, delicious
This way you gonna kill me
Oh, if I catch you
Oh, my God if I catch you

Enviado por javier el 24 de June de 2012 con comentarios no permitidos.
Mira todos los videos de musica de Uncategorized hola Video de If I Catch You (Michel Teló)

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