Video de Silver and Cold (AFI)

Silver and Cold es la cuarta edición del album llamado Sing the Sorrow del grupo AFI, aunque solo salió como un video. Este vio la luz en el año 2002 y el album alcanzo el número 5 en la lista de los Billboard

Video de Silver and Cold de AFI:

Letra de la canción Silver and Cold de AFI:

I came here by day, but i left here in darkness and found you on the way.
now, it is silver and silent.
it is silver and cold.
you, in somber resplendence, i hold.
your sins into me, oh, my beautiful one now. your sins into me. as a rapturous voice escapes, i will tremble a prayer
and i’ll beg for forgiveness.
your sins into me, oh, my beautiful one.
light, like the flutter of wings,
feel your hollow voice rushing into me
as you’re longing to sing.
so i will paint you in silver.
i will wrap you in cold.
i will lift up your voice as i sink.
cold in life’s throws. i’ll fall asleep for you. i only ask you turn away.
i only ask your turn as they seep into me, oh, my beautiful one.

Enviado por javier el 19 de May de 2008 con 1 comentario.
Mira todos los videos de musica de Uncategorized hola Video de Silver and Cold (AFI)

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#1, ceci
16 de June de 2008, a las 23:27.

esta bueno siempre y cuando sea de afi. siempre va a estar bien ok bye

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