Video de Totalimmortal (AFI)

Totalimmortal es una canción escrita por AFI para su album All Hallow’s EP, luego el grupo The Offspring hizo un cover de esta canción que fue el tema de la película Irene, yo y mi otro yo. Es uno de los temas lanzados en los 90′s

Video de Totalimmortal de AFI:

Letra de la canción Totalimmortal de AFI:

Hope unknown. Sometimes just waking
is surreal.
I walk right through the nameless ones.
I know that hope’s unknown.
Sometimes the water feels so real.

As I walk through it fills my lungs, my god, I’m drowning.
This day never seems to end.
This pain, never.
The rage I can not let go.

I hear them calling my nameI feel them
gnawing out holes through flawless souls.

So alone. Sometimes I swear that I
can hear the taunting of the voiceless ones.
I fear that I alone fear those who finally ceased to feel that they’re alone
inside this place.

I am the misplaced.
Now every face, it looks familiar…
then every face would melt away until…
now everyone, do you know, I know your deception?

Enviado por javier el 19 de May de 2008 con 0 comentarios.
Mira todos los videos de musica de Uncategorized hola Video de Totalimmortal (AFI)

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